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Join the people's tech startup!

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Hello, World!

We're a user-owned web browser startup that's uniquely structured as a free and open consumer cooperative, a member-owned and -governed company.

We put tech power and profits into the people's hands!

That's it! Join us! No catch.

What do we do?

That makes User Co-op the people's tech startup!

(3) We use that income to make other tech services our members want and pay dividends to our members in proportion to their service usage.

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Why do we do it?

Because the tech industry excludes consumers from the untold wealth and power that comes from their online activity. 

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Tech power and profits to the people

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Tech power and profits to the people

(2) We develop, release, and profit from our web browser.

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How do we do it?

(1) We build our membership and raise voluntary contributions from our members to cover our startup costs.

We're here!


Check out User Cooperative's news and content, including our Q3 2024 member letter.

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