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Visitor's Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete the form below. We can't thank you enough for your input here!

The survey!

First name*

Last name*

Email address*

City / town*

State / province*

Country / region*


Do you believe that “Big Tech” companies, like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, have too much power?*

Did you know or suspect that most of Big Tech's wealth/power comes from people's data and creative content, like social media posts?*

Do you believe that Big Tech companies give people a fair share of the wealth/power that comes from their data and creative content, like social media posts?*

Who do you believe should capture the wealth/power that comes from people's data and creative content, like social media posts?*

Who do you believe should govern technology systems that impact people and society, like search engines, social media, and artificial intelligence?*

Are you in favor of a cooperative venture that puts tech power and profits into the people’s hands?*

Basic info:


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3 / 6

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6 / 6

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